Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Anti-Soup

Sorry to bump one of our greatest posts ever, but (since this is MY blog), I wanted to share something I liked. I'd heard about this monologue by Craig Ferguson of the Late Late Show, but never saw it myself.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bad influence

My computer has been out of commission for a bit, and all of our pictures are loaded on my computer so I haven't been able to update lately. It was finally fixed this morning (thanks Apple Care Phone Guy!) so I've been going through pictures making sure everything is backed up on my external hard drive... just in case. I found this video from a few weeks ago that I meant to post but forgot. Jay was telling Trey what an anteater does at dinner (with edamame), and got an example in before I could stop him. This is the result. (Apologies for my snorting laughter suppression near the end.)

Friday, August 08, 2008

The bouquet has a hint of... mischief

I put dinner on the table for Trey and me (Jay was at work), including my glass of wine. Much deserved, I might add, after the day we had. Actually, after the day Trey had.  Little sleep, lots of time-out.

Trey asked for some cheese for his pasta ("geeeeeez"), so I went back to the fridge to grab it. I turned around and he came running in the kitchen with a huge grin on his face. I looked at him, then took an automatic glance at wine glass on the table... but nothing looked amiss. Until I walked over to the table. Wine splatters on the floor, and a kid with cabernet on the breath. 

My first thought: 'Maybe he'll sleep well tonight.'  


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Gettin' our money's worth

Yeah, the thing burst when he sat down. Little pee/pool water-filled diaper stuffing balls all over. Who knew?