Sunday, November 06, 2011

How old?

How old are kids when they don't think dad is cool anymore?

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Morning Sweetness

Jay goes and gets Phoebe out of her bed when she wakes up this morning, and she wanders into Trey's room. Jay comes back to bed.

(Heard from Trey's room)
Trey: "psssst... can Phoebe come in my bed and read books?"
Jay: "YES!"

Trey: "Phoebe, do you want to read Bible?"
Phoebe: "Yeah."

Trey: (whispers) "I love you, Phoebe."
Phoebe: (whispers) "I yaa ooo too."

Phoebe: (sneeezes)
Trey: (sneezes)
Phoebe: "Bess you."
Trey: "Bless you too, Phoebe."

Trey: "Want me to sing you the ABC's, Phoebe?"
Phoebe: "Uh huh."
Trey: "Okay. ABCDEFG...."
Phoebe: "BDPOV...."
Trey: "No no, Phoebe. Could you please be quiet while I finish? It's hard to do with you singing, too." "No, no, no, Phoebe! Don't take all the kleenexes out of the box!" "Oh no! Mom, Phoebe is...."

... and it was over. But so sweet while it lasted!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Squeaky Clean

Someone decided to take a sponge bath with a diaper wipe in the dog's water dish. Yum.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Queen Phoe is Two!

We were pretty surprised that she knew what to do with that candle...

Who do you think was more excited about presents?

Happy Birthday, baby girl!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

What the what?

Serendipitous Pneumothorax and the Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome.

The only thing I know about the above is that Jay's summary and poster presentation of whatever it is brought us to Denver a few weeks ago. And it was so much fun! (Thanks to Carol and Hazen for watching the kids - wheeee!)

Sitting in on the poster presentations (for about an hour - then I went shopping) was like listening to a different language. I caught a few things here and there, and I think I'd prefer to remain blissfully ignorant. There are some wacky diseases out there!

Speaking of...

Let me tell you, Denver is a classy place. I mean, where else will you find a baby announcement on a "Gentlemen's Club" sign?

Or an enormous 40-foot bear peeking in on your conference center?

(In case you need some perspective, I'm 5'2". I know you thought I was taller, but I look short next to the bear.)

Proud of you, Jay! Now get another poster accepted so we can go to San Francisco next year!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last Day Picnic

Trey's last day of preschool was today, and the balmy 58° weather was perfect for a picnic at the park. (Ugh.) The kids put on a great program for the parents, though!

Phoebe tried to get in on the action:

Such wonderful teachers!

Trey with Mrs. T.:

and Miss Linda:
Trey's preschool pals (as he calls them)!

Monday, March 28, 2011

"I like children....

.... fried." - W.C. Fields
(One of Grandpa Van's favorite quotes.)

Looks like I caught him. Ha!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Festival Weekend

(A post from two weekends ago... which I forgot to publish!)

We all trekked to Rockford for a busy weekend...

First, the guys went to the Auburn basketball game (they won!) on Friday night. Lots of adventures there, so I hear, including a trip to Kohls for some replacement clothing.

Then Phoe and I joined them the next morning for Paleofest at Burpee Museum and some playtime at the Discovery Center:

The kiddos finally got to see Jane, the dinosaur that Nonnie discovered! Trey was a little skittish at the museum... I don't blame him - look at those teeth!

On Sunday we experienced our first ever Sock Monkey Festival at Midway Village. Sock monkeys originated in Rockford, and apparently people really get into it around here!

Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of (adult) festival goers cradling their sock monkeys, talking to them, or introducing them to other sock monkeys. (I'm serious.) But I did get one of Trey throwing mini sock monkeys in a hole while a banjo player serenaded him. Amazing.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dance Show

Preparation for bedtime. As you can tell.

A Girl After Her Poppie's Heart

And full of mischief!

And shall I mention that I found her with these at 8:30 a.m.?


Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Jay and I shoveled him out of the driveway at about 5ish. (I suppose last night wasn't the greatest night for me to stay up late painting our bathroom.) Praying that our little Honda Civic carries him safely to work. I made him take his sleeping bag, a small shovel, and sustenance, despite his scoffing at me.

Still, the snow is gorgeous, isn't it?