Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Festivities

Lots of festivities this weekend. The hospital had a Halloween Party for the kiddos, and Nonnie came up to be with us for the day!

Greg Wiggle, jammin' with his guitar and sweet headset:

Nonnie, Greg, and the little flower

Trying his hand at the pinata...

Phoebe and her friend Eliah, the sweet little calf

Nonnie was asked to be the magician's assistant, and we found out that she can bend a fork with her mind. Amazing!

Jay joined us at the party!

Hope you have a fun weekend!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Birthday Girl!

I can't believe we were here a year ago...

Happy First Birthday, my sweet, feisty, hilarious baby girl! We adore you!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

It's Saturday!

Jay and Trey went for a bike ride this morning, and left the girls to hang out at home. (We'll go with next time, when Phoebe has a helmet.) Trey was excited to go - he brought breakfast, "atorgade," and his Bible to read on the way.

I found this little one at the door, pining to go with. Next time, Phoe!
("Kilroy was here"!!)

So Phoebe is in bed now, and I was reading in the den, and heard lots of skittering on the back porch. I found this little guy in Trey's truck, peeking at me out of the back window! Couldn't grab my camera in time for a good shot. :(

Happy Saturday!!!!