Sunday, March 21, 2010


Since I haven't blogged for awhile, here is a quick update of what's been going on lately in the Tuck house:

We put our house up for sale, and it was under contract in three weeks! Good thing - prep for an open house is no fun. Especially with two kids! Carol and Hazen came to visit and worked long hours to help us get the house ready - SO grateful to them! I'm sure it would have taken us at least a month longer without them. Of course, Bobo was here for hours helping me clean, too!

While they were here, Poppie took Trey to the Children's Museum, gave him his first taste of McDonalds (we avoided it as long as we could, I guess!), and taught Trey how to shave:

Trey has become quite the drummer, since Jay bought him a "drum set" and drum sticks for Christmas. But the drum set is not the only place he drums... he drums the air, his sister, and anything else he can find:

Here's the ever-growing drum set. If I'm missing something in the kitchen, I know where to find it. I recently went downstairs to claim the top to one of my pots, and Trey exclaimed, "HEY! My cymbals!"

(The stickers have been helpful in getting through potty training.... a story in itself.)

And sweet Phoebe.... she is such a happy baby, now that the colic is over! (Whew.) Trey fed Phoebe her first rice cereal:

Peas are her favorite:

As for the kids together, Trey adores his sister... and sometimes smothers her with a little too much affection:

Usually she adores him right back, though.