So besides that,here are some things have gone on in the last month or so that I haven't posted on...
1) Jay and I took some of the singles small group and went to the Desiring God conference in Minneapolis during the last weekend of September. "The Power of Words and the Wonder of God" was the title of the conference, and the speakers discussed the absolutely amazing significance and impact of words in all aspects of life. It was refreshing, encouraging, and convicting - even more significant than I anticipated. You can watch or listen to the messages here, and I highly recommend it.
There were TONS of free books in our registration packet! Woo hoo!
Bethany met John Piper after the conference!
2) We're doing 'Don't Waste Your Life' for our small group study this year, and it is pretty intense. But so, so good. More on that later, I think.
4)I was tagged! So, Erin, I've never been tagged before, but I'll try my best. I'm supposed to list 7 random things about myself, then tag some other people. Hm. I'm really bad at stuff like this, so feel free to skip the rest.
- I used to wear colorful, 70's polyester pants and jackets from Goodwill to high school. Yeah, I know - yikes. I think I thought I was being artsy, or indie, or unique, or something. I don't know. What was I thinking? I also wore Dr. Marten boots with my homecoming dress!
- Going on the high school theme (my reunion is next month, it's on the brain), I will admit that I was on the bowling team. (eep!) Seriously, the chess team is much cooler...
- My major in college was biology with a minor in psych, and the plan was to go to med school. Ha to that.
- I would love, love to go back to school for counseling, and I think it would be fascinating to integrate counseling with art/music therapy.
- Speaking of counseling (this list is supposed to be random, right?) I just read a book by Ed Welch called "Running Scared." This was one of the most helpful books I have ever read on dealing with anxiety. If you are a worrier, I highly recommend his book.
- I'm *still* trying to learn to play the guitar. Someday, someday.
- I wish I could draw like my little sister. She is so good at it, and so patient!
Yea, you're back! I was wondering where you'd been. I'll try the tagged thing. I think I may be thinking about it too hard.