Friday, July 28, 2006

Movie Review - Lady in the Water

I was going to call this post "Lady in the Water - an Apology." The movie has been getting some really bad reviews and I thought I'd chirp in. I won't rehash the plot, since I don't think I could if I tried. Katie and I went to see this movie last weekend. Let me just say up front:
1) This movie didn't make any sense.
2) Dwarf, Hobbit, Elf, etc. seem to have caught on and are here to stay. "Narf" probably won't stick.
3) I don't think Asian mythology uses words like "Narf."
4) I liked in anyway.
This movie is based on bedtime stories M. Night Shyamalan told/tells his children. That's about as seriously as this movie is intended to be. If you take it as seriously as some critics seem to, you're going to be disappointed. If you don't, there are worse ways to spend $8. The acting is good. The plot doesn't make sense, but it's entertaining. The moral is vague, but positive. I'd say this movie is like waking up from a dream that felt meaningful and important and hopeful, even though you can't quite remember why. I like that feeling.

1 comment:

  1. hey wasn't Narf a mangy cat-like character on Thundercats? Oh wait, his name was
